- Authentication – We take buying and selling bullion very seriously. Unlike most banks that have to send out the bullion for authentication we have the very expensive machines in house to verify the purity and weight of bullion items. In fact most other dealers do not invest in the machines listed below.
- Specific Gravity Tester – Using a specialized scale we are able to use Archimedes law of displacement to determine the specific gravity of the sample. The specific gravity of gold is 19.3 and silver is 10.5. For those curious what Archimedes formula is it’s (Dry weight – Wet weight = X), (Dry / X = specific gravity.)
- XRF – stands for X-Ray Florescence. It’s a process where a x-ray beam is used to displace electrons from their atomic positions causing a burst of energy that is readable by a detector and categorized as a specific element such as Gold-Au, Silver-Ag, Copper-Cu, Nickel-Ni, Tungsten-W, Palladium-Pd, Titanium-Ti etc…
- Digital Scale – We use very expensive scales that are calibrated by Weights and Measures Canada for legal trade. In Canada the scales must be certified on site and measure to .001 of a gram.
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